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Criminal Core 2
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Criminal Core 2: A House Divided (Gamelit Harem Fantasy)
Nick Broad
Copyright 2020 Nick Broad
All Rights Reserved
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner.
All characters depicted are 18 years old or older. For adults only.
A Spicy Sneak Preview...
At the end of the room, Bathory sat on her throne. Waiting for me.
If a very, very lazy king had commissioned H.R. Giger to build him a throne that doubled as a bed, what he’d have ended up getting wouldn’t have been half as crazy as what Bathory had built. It looked like something off a black metal album cover, spiny and sharp yet looking sexy and thrilling at the same time.
The woman herself was the cherry on top. Bathory’s skin was milk-pale, her whiteness contrasting so sharply with the throne that it almost looked artistic. Just like when I met her last, she wasn’t wearing anything that could properly be called clothes. The black goo she created at will covered her naughty bits like a shell, only this time there was a lot less coverage and a lot more skin. Hair almost as dark as her throne cascaded down her back. Her black, glossy lips twisted into a sexy smirk as she caught sight of me. The only spot of color anywhere to be seen was her eyes - the deep, rich red of freshly-spilled blood.
“Servant,” she said, licking her pouty lips. “Welcome to my Kingdom.”
I was going to protest that a single cell block was far from a Kingdom, but one look in Bathory’s eyes silenced me. It was absolutely, terrifyingly clear from her gaze that there was only one thing she wanted - me. Bathory was a Xenian Queen, and there were only two possibilities for males when it came to her species - mates and food. As a man who’d bested her in single combat, defeating her when Ruby and Meiko’s lives had been on the line, I’d been promoted to potential stud. So that meant Bathory wanted to fuck.
She gestured with a finger for me to come forward. “Join me on my throne, servant,” she purred, patting the seat next to her. “You have a duty to perform.”
I made my way to her as casually as possible, hyper-focused on my stride. It was funny - I’d been an android for weeks now, and the whole time I’d been living in the Oubliette I hadn’t changed a thing. I walked, talked, acted exactly like an ordinary human being. It was only when those things mattered that I got self-conscious about them.
“Good boy,” she said, watching me climb up to her like a butcher sizing up a particularly succulent cut of meat. “You defeated me in single combat, servant. That means you are worthy of sitting next to the great Queen Bathory. And of doing so much more.”
My throat had suddenly gone dry. “Yes,” I said, not really sure what to say. “I am.”
Bathory smiled. “You desire me. It’s clear from your face - and from the erection between your legs. You long to serve your Queen, don’t you, servant? To hold me in your arms and give pleasure, to be given the honor of siring a new generation of Xenian Queens…”
Before I could say anything, Bathory leaned back and moaned. The black substance covering her breasts and hips dissolved, melting away into the substance of her throne. Underneath of it, she was completely naked. Her firm, pale breasts swayed gently as she struck a commanding pose, her legs spread to show off the bare valley between her thighs. Not for the first time, I realized that if Bathory weren’t so scary she’d be an insanely beautiful creature.
“Perhaps it’s the long hibernation,” Bathory purred, her eyes heavy-lidded, “but I find myself desirous of mating, servant. You will drain your balls inside of me and claim my womb with your seed, of course, but first I think we shall give each other a great deal of pleasure…”
She leaned over, crawling across the throne-slash-bed on all fours. Her eyes flashed with need, her black tongue sliding out of one corner of her mouth to lick her dark, pouty lips. It made me think of blowjobs, which made my cock even harder. Which made me think of how sharp her teeth were, and how careful she was going to have to be to give me that pleasure she was talking about…
It was like she could read my mind. “Don’t worry,” she growled, climbing on top of me and pushing me down onto the throne. “Xenian Queens are the most skilled lovers in the galaxy. You will remember our time together for the rest of your life, servant. No other woman will ever compare to what I’m going to give you!”
As she spoke, her face came closer and closer to my cock. She reached for the zipper of my shipsuit and tugged it down, the warmth of her chamber causing sweat to bead on my chest as it came free. My cock popped out, thick and throbbing, and Bathory let out a pleased little moan at the sight of it.
“Oh my,” she cried, the dark wings protruding from her back flapping gently. “Your species is well-endowed, servant. It will be a challenge worthy of one of my station to fit all of you down my throat…”
Her glossy lips closed on the head of my cock. Searing heat coated the tip, mixing with wetness as she took me into her mouth. I couldn’t help it - I cried out, groaning with bliss as Bathory wrapped her lips around my dick and started to blow me.
Sixty minutes until the life support fails – but what a hell of a way to go, I thought, staring down at the gorgeous succubus. A blowjob from a fucking queen. At least this last hour is going to be one hell of a good time…
Prologue: The New Math
“Damn it! That hurt!”
Dr. Yulia Pavlichenko sprang from behind the chair, wincing as the gears inside ground to a halt. “I’m so sorry, Noah. I did warn you the procedure might be a bit on the uncomfortable side.”
I rubbed my side, the pain rapidly fading. Around me, the metal of the chair slowly cooled back to room temperature, its energy spent and its work done.
“It’s alright,” I said, shaking my head. “It’s just that, well, for a second that really burned. I thought...shit, I kind of thought I was dead. That your chair killed me...”
Yulia let out a laugh, setting her clipboard down on a nearby table. “Dead? Hardly. The Pavlichenko Device might be powered by a miniaturized nuclear reactor, but there’s barely enough electricity running through it to give you more than a mild shock.” She gestured at a computer screen a few feet away. “Would you like to see the results?”
The straps around my feet loosened. My legs were a little wobbly beneath me as I touched the floor. For a few seconds, I’d really thought...whatever. The fear receded, and by the time Dr. Pavlichenko was pointing out the shape of my connectome, it was already forgotten.
“This is you,” Yulia said, giggling. “It’s like a selfie, but you know, one for the inside.” The image on the screen looked like nothing so much as a huge cloud, dotted here and there with bright green dots. Long, thin lines connected them in dozens of places. “This is the core of who you are, Noah. A freeze-frame of the inside of your brain in that one, singular moment you sat in my chair. No one has ever done anything like this before in the whole of human history.” She beamed. “Isn’t it wonderful?”
Like a checkpoint in a video game, I thought, but Yulia wouldn’t get that. Instead I said, “A selfie, huh? You don’t seem like the kind of girl who’s vain about her appearance, Yulia.”
She grinned at me, nibbling her bottom lip with her teeth. “I’m full of surprises, Noah. As for my appearance - well, you’ll find out during our date tonight, won’t you?”
That was right. The pain had knocked it out of my head, but Yulia and I were going out tonight. With $250 bucks in my pocket. The thought of it made me a bit giddy.
“I’m looking forward to it,” I said, grinning. “Should I pick you up at eight?”
Yulia looked her chair up and down, beaming the way so
me people do when they’re proud of their children. “Better make it nine. I’ve got a lot of work to do interpreting these results.”
I frowned. “I thought you were done. Haven’t you proved it works?”
“Oh, that’s just the beginning!” She looked excited, and grew even moreso as she spoke. “There are so many tests to do! This is just phase one of Project Wormwood - but rest assured, this is going to change the world! And your contribution will be part of it, of course,” she added with a bashful little look.
“Of course,” I said. “Project Wormwood?”
“A private joke.” Yulia strode forward, taking off her glasses and massaging her temples. With her hair down and all messy like that, she really looked like girlfriend material. Better than girlfriend material, if I was being honest. “It’s something I’ve been working on my whole life, Noah. A kind of...unified theory of everything. The chair is part of it. But it would take a very long time to explain…”
“Well, we’ve got all night,” I said, feeling impulsive and brave. I leaned over and planted a kiss on her cheek, and from her reaction, I knew instantly that I’d done the right thing. “I would love to hear about all of it during our date tonight, Yulia.”
Her mouth worked soundlessly, her cheeks gone almost as red as her hair. “Yes, well...I’m looking forward to that too, Noah! I’ll see you at eight?”
“Nine, you said,” I told her with a chuckle. “I’ll be back, Yulia.”
There was a spring in my step as I exited the lab. I’d been expecting that to go horribly, but it actually was even better than I could’ve anticipated. I had two-hundred and fifty dollars in my wallet, a hot date, and even an interesting topic of conversation.
“Yulia Pavlichenko,” I said, shaking my head as I made my way back to my car. “I think you and I are going to have a hell of a fun time together.”
I was right. But even I had no idea how right I was.
It would be nearly ten thousand years before I really understood what I’d done that day.
Chapter One: A Prison Inside A Prison
Nearly Ten Thousand Years Later…
“I can’t believe it,” I said, staring up at the ceiling. “She tried to pull the trigger. She really, seriously tried to kill me. That sucks so much...”
Next to me, Meiko rolled over. The covers on the bed were bunched messily around her waist, showing off her glorious toplessness. A faint sheen of sweat still stood out on her forehead from the sex we’d just finished having.
It still didn’t feel fully right that the two of us had jumped back into bed together so quickly after being exiled to Gamma Spire. Shay had just taken two-thirds of the Black Oubliette for herself, exiling us to the only part of the station not receiving energy credits from the solar sail we’d worked so hard to install. She’d broken the tether connecting the station spire from the rest of the prison like it was nothing. And our friend and harem member, Ruby, was her prisoner - stuck in a coma from which the AI overlord might never allow her to wake.
Yet, when my eyes met Meiko’s, my misgivings vanished. There were no secrets between Meiko and I now: we’d saved each others’ lives. She’d finally unveiled her full power during the showdown with the Red Tigers, and the crew had accepted her for exactly what she was.
Meiko had spent so much of her life believing she was a monster that she was convinced she’d never find love. Me coming into her life had changed all that. I don’t know if it was love, exactly, that flickered between us, but there was something deeper and fuller than just mutual respect.
It was the kind of situation where I really could have used some time to think about things. Unfortunately, the prison we’d worked so hard to build had been taken over by an insane, horny AI. One who also happened to just kind of, sort of, be my ex-girlfriend.
There’s always a crisis, isn’t there, I thought, devouring Meiko with my gaze. But the rewards are worth it...
“I would say that I warned you,” Meiko said, her dark eyes flashing in the dim light. “But that wouldn’t be right. We all warned you about Shay - but we also all accepted her as part of the crew. And the harem.” She made a little pout and rolled onto her side, snuggling against me. “The truth is, Noah, I actually kind of liked her.”
Her shoulder was crying out for me to hold it, so I did. I pulled her close and sighed.
“She didn’t like you,” I said, shaking my head. “She called you some pretty awful names.”
“I’ve heard worse,” Meiko scoffed. “From better.”
That brought a laugh out of me. “I don’t think she liked anyone on this station,” I said, my expression hardening. “Not even me. Not really. Sure, she wanted me to be her dom - but even that was, like, acting. We’re not even really people to her, Meiko. Just...just toys for her to play with.”
Meiko nodded, her eyes heavy-lidded. “And when she gets mad, she takes her ball and goes home,” she said, gesturing around the room. “Leaving us…”
“Stranded.” I stretched out, my back hitting the cold wall behind the cot. The room we occupied used to be a cell, although a VIP one - a little bigger than the others, in its own little cubby. It was as good a place as any to land after what had happened back at the Tether.
“At least we’re stranded together,” Meiko purred.
I understood what she meant. The facilities on the Gamma Spire weren’t the best or the most luxurious, even though this section of the station was designated for non-violent prisoners. Most of it hadn’t been used in a very long time. In fact, before Ruby, Meiko and I came down here, the place was totally infested with this weird black goo…
Meiko felt me tense up. “What’s wrong?”
“Shit, I just remembered,” I said, glancing at the door. “We’ve got an alien monster hibernating underneath our feet. I’m going to have to deal with that pretty soon, aren’t I?”
Meiko cocked her head to the side. “Bathory is...unlikely to emerge from hibernation in the very near future,” she said, hedging her words carefully. “But now that I think about it, it might be a good idea to wake her up.”
I sat up in bed. “You want to wake that thing? After it almost killed Ruby?”
“You’re bound to her now,” Meiko said, looking unruffled by my outburst. “She’s a Xenian Queen, and you bested her in one-on-one combat. You do know what that means, don’t you, Noah?”
I swallowed hard. “She wants to mate with me.” Under other circumstances, the thought of a little quality time with an alien succubus would have sounded like a lot of fun. These weren’t those circumstances. “Doesn’t she realize I can’t give her kids? Not only am I not her species, I’m a fucking android!”
Suddenly Meiko grew very still.
“She does not know,” she whispered, something hard entering her voice. “And we need to do everything we can to make sure she doesn’t find out.”
It took a lot to make an obake like Meiko look afraid. The dark-haired beauty was capable of transforming into a shadow monster that ate people whole - yet the notion of telling Bathory I wasn’t capable of ‘impregnating’ anything sent a shudder down her spine.
“Shit,” I muttered. “How bad would that be?”
“Xenian Queens have certain biological drives,” Meiko said, licking her lips. “They jockey for primacy depending on the environment, but the drive to mate always takes precedence. By defeating Bathory, you kicked her desire to mate into overdrive. For now, while she’s trying for an heir, she’ll be...pliable. More or less.”
“Meaning we can talk to her like a human being,” I said, seizing the thread. “And if she figures out she’s been tricked?”
“Her old drives kick back in.”
“You mean the ones that make her fill half the prison with black shit then tear the face off anyone who disturbs it?”
Meiko nodded. “Precisely.”
I stared at the wall for a moment, thinking.
“Alright,” I finally said. “Guess that means I’ll have t
o fuck her. You okay with that?”
There wasn’t much Meiko could do to surprise me any more - but the almost-girlish giggle that spilled from her lips did it.
“Of course, Noah,” she said, rolling her eyes in that ‘did you even have to ask’ way I knew so well. “I’m not some shrinking violet who withers at the thought of you putting your cock inside of another woman. I thought we’d moved past this?”
I gave her a peck on the cheek. “Just checking. After what happened with Shay, I need to make sure the ground is still solid beneath my feet.”
She pulled me closer and gave me another kiss - longer and deeper this time.
“It is,” she said as she broke it. “With me and Ruby. We’ll get her back, Noah. You’ll find a way to make it work.”